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Course Details:
Stuart Sandeman teaches the foundations of breathwork.
In under 10 minutes a day, at your own pace, this video series will help you to optimise your breathing and help correct bad breathing habits.
Develop a healthy breathing pattern
Balance your body
Focus your mind
Reduce stress
Reset your nervous system
Video 1: Awareness - Learn what happens when you breathe, and the link between breathing, thinking and feeling. Learn how your mind and environment affect your breathing patterns.
Video 2: Stress, rest and nose breathing - Stuart explain's how breathing affects your nervous system. Learn the importance of nose breathing to keep your system balanced.
Video 3: Primary Breathing muscle - Learn all about your primary breathing muscle; the diaphragm, and why it's so important to use your diaphragm when breathing.
Video 4: Slowing your breath - Learn the link between the pace of your breathing and the chemistry of your your body and how the way you breathe affects your pH. Practise slowing your breath.
Video 5: Optimal Breathing Flow - Putting everything into practise.
Bonus - 5 minute daily practise, guided audio.
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